Project: Acquisition and installation of an immersive room at the Zarzis Smart Center 2nd stage
Lots: -VR equipment
-VR software
Under the grant agreement Code Tunisia, IFE-TUN-C1-0144 PAEZ ZARZIS II, signed between Investitionen für Beschäftigung (Investing for Employment) GmbH, Hamburg, Germany “IFE” on one hand and the Company of Development and Exploitation of the Park of Economic Activities of Zarzis – PAEZ Tunisia on the other hand to co-finance the Construction and the equipment of the 2nd stage of the project of a specialized centeŕ in the field of information technology and communication named́ “Zarzis Smart Center”.
The Company of Development and Exploitation of the Park of Economic Activities of Zarzis proposes to launch an international invitation to tender for the acquisition and installation of an immersive room in the Zarzis Smart Center 2nd stage, including the following lots:
Lots: – VR equipment
-VR software
Interested and eligible bidders wishing to participate in this tender are invited to fill in the procurement form available on the website of the Park Company at the following address: or by sending a written request to the following email address: The tender file will be sent by email to the applicants against a bank transfer in the name of the Company of Development and Exploitation of the Park of Economic Activities of Zarzis of an amount of 300 Euros non refundable, to the account n° TN59 04 010 083 4047 00101 3 12 opened with ATTIJARI BANK Zone Franche Zarzis Agency.
Tenders must be sent by post with acknowledgement of receipt to the head office of the Park company located at BP No. 40, Commercial Port of Zarzis – 4137 Zarzis – Tunisia in the name of “Mr. Chief Executive Officer” bearing only the words “DO NOT OPEN: AOI PAEZ01/2023“, and this, before 12 June 2023.
The Tunisian postmark will be taken as proof. Bids received after this deadline will be rejected.
The submission of Bids by electronic means will not be accepted.
The bidder’s offer will consist of :
- The technical bid, which will be placed in envelope « A ».
- The financial offer which will be placed in envelope « B ».
The two envelopes « A » and « B » will be placed in an outer envelope which will be closed and marked only « DO NOT OPEN: International Call for Bids PAEZ01/2023 (lots: VR equipment and software) »
The outer envelope will contain the following documents:
- The Special Administrative Clauses Document ( Cahier des Clauses Administratives Particulières – CCAP) signed, initialed and dated.
- A provisional bank guarantee in the amount of five thousand (5000) Euros or equivalent.
- General information sheet signed, sealed and dated.
- Certificate of tax status for Tunisian bidders or bidders resident in Tunisia or any other equivalent document provided by the law of the country of origin for bidders not resident in Tunisia.
- Certificate of affiliation to the CNSS required for Tunisian bidders / Certificate of affiliation to a Social Security scheme other than the CNSS for bidders not resident in Tunisia.
- Declaration on honor of non-bankruptcy or legal redress dated, signed and initialed .
- Declaration on the honor of non-influence dated, signed and initialed .
- List of possible subcontractors
- Extract of the registration of the tenderer in the National Register of Enterprises (RNE) for tenderers resident in Tunisia or any other equivalent document provided for by the law of the country of origin for tenderers not resident in Tunisia.
- Approval or certificate issued by the competent authorities of the country of origin.
- Statement of commitment dated, signed and initialed .
The closed envelope “A” (technical offer) will contain the following documents
- The Special Technical Specifications Document ( Cahier des Clauses Techniques Particulières – CCTP ) signed, initialed and dated.
- Signed, initialed and dated immersive room minimum technical specifications sheet.
- List of qualified personnel that the contractor intends to assign to the site signed and dated.
- Reference of the company, list of projects executed by the company during the last ten years
- Proof of fully completed projects
- Original documents and brochures of the recommended hardware and software equipment including certificates of conformity.
- Signed, initialed and dated plans with a technical drawing of the cellar structure (movable walls and supports for projectors and clusters).
The closed envelope “B” (financial offer) will contain the following documents
- The completed, dated and signed bid.
- Supply and Installation Price Schedules, forming estimated details signed, initialed and dated.
- Maintenance Price Schedule signed, initialed and dated.
- Summary Price Schedule signed, initialed and dated.
A preparatory meeting will be held online on May 26, 2023 at 10:00 am (GMT+1). The link of the meeting will be sent to you later by email.
All documents and correspondence related to this international tender must be written and submitted in French.
Bidders will remain bound by their offers for one hundred and twenty (120) days from the deadline for receipt of offers.
For more information, bidders are invited to contact the commercial department by email: ,